
"Advances in Mathematics" sets up three columns.

1. Review articles: Introduce and comment on important research directions or significant progress in famous problems in mathematics, or introduce characteristic research directions that have been systematically developed and gradually gained international influence domestically.

2. Research Papers: Original papers reporting new results in various fields of mathematics.

3. Questions and Conjectures: Short valuable mathematics problems or conjectures proposed by the author.


Articles can be written in both Chinese and English. Authors should visit the journal’s website and follow the prompts in the system to complete the submission process. The article must be typed in LaTeX software into PDF format, each author’s email address must be specified, and an electronic receipt will be received within three business days. Substantial revisions may be requested based on reviewers’ suggestions, and the editorial office reserves the right to edit the text of articles. Multiple submissions of the same article are not accepted by the journal.


The article should be formatted to A4 paper size. The first page should include 1) title; 2) name, address, email; 3) an abstract of no more than 200 words that can be read independently; 4) 3-5 keywords; 5) MR (2010) classification number and Chinese library classification number; 6) a header of less than 25 Chinese characters or 50 English letters.


Titles and subtitles should be in bold, measurements and symbols should comply with international standards. Mathematical formula numbers are marked on the right in Arabic numerals, and special symbols should be clearly marked in the spaces. Theorem, theorem, lemma, conjecture, note, example etc., should be stated in bold.


Bibliography citations should be accurate, specific, and easy to find. Chinese references should be indicated in English, and unpublicized references should not be cited where possible: if they have been accepted but not published, try to write full bibliographic information and indicate "in press". The number of bibliographic references cited in the text is indicated by Arabic numerals in square brackets, arranged in alphabetical order of the author's English name and listing specific content.


After the article is accepted and published, the Journal will present one sample book to the author.

[Related Charges]

Page charge is 120 RMB/page.

[Submission Process]

(1) Make your submission online, please log-in to our website; an email receipt will be sent once submission is successful.

(2) Receipt: The editor receives the manuscript, assigns a manuscript number, and sends the manuscript number information via email.

(3) Primary review: The editorial committee conducts a preliminary review and sends it for external review if it passes; otherwise, it is returned directly.

(4) External review: Sent to two experts for external review.

(5) Final review: The editor-in-chief or executive deputy editor conducts the final review, and the final decision is made after considering the opinions of the external review: acceptance, revision and review, or rejection.

(6) Editing: Editing, processing, and publication of accepted manuscripts.

For further understanding of the submission matters, you are welcome to inquire the editorial department.

(Updated on February 18, 2019)

[Related to Submission]

» Tex template for Chinese and English manuscripts in "Advances in Mathematics" [2019-02-21]

» Rules for recording references [2011-06-21]

» Description of the manuscript processing procedure [2011-06-21]

» Manuscript processing flow chart [2011-06-21]