1. Journal Review System

Submissions are subjected to a double-blind peer review system and are edited and published according to international standards. The processing time for manuscripts is generally 6 months.

2. Submission Guidelines

The sole email address for submitting papers to this journal is luncong@pku.edu.cn. Please note the following when submitting:

(1) The journal accepts submissions in Chinese. Please provide two copies each in Word and PDF format: one without any author information (for blind review purposes) and the other indicating author information (name, affiliation, main research areas), contact details (postal address, email, telephone number), and funding information, to be sent to the editorial office email as attachments.

(2) The journal implements a corresponding author system where the editorial office only accepts submissions from the corresponding authors of the articles.

(3) Book review submissions should be accompanied by the original book for review purposes.

(4) Authors are responsible for their submissions. According to the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law, the journal may make textual modifications or deletions to submissions. If the author disagrees with the modifications, please indicate so.

(5) Please follow academic norms and do not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously during the peer review process, as the journal will take appropriate actions if discovered. Manuscripts should ideally not exceed 20,000 characters and those over 5,000 characters should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 characters and 3-5 keywords, as well as the corresponding English title, abstract, and keywords.

(6) Rare characters, special symbols, and figures/tables that require typesetting should be listed separately on a large-font page, indicating their position in the manuscript. Except when necessary to use traditional characters or variants (please specify), simplified Chinese characters should be used.

(7) Upon publication of the manuscript, domestic authors will be paid a fee and gifted 2 copies of the journal; overseas authors will receive 4 copies.

(8) Once a manuscript is published, the copyright of the article (including CD-ROM and online rights) belongs to the journal. If this is not acceptable, please state so at the time of submission. After acceptance, the layout of articles will be adjusted according to publication requirements. The remuneration paid by the journal includes fees for CD-ROM and online versions.

(9) Submissions are non-returnable. If you wish to withdraw a manuscript, please inform the editorial office.